Sunday, September 19, 2004

The Wacky World of Ann Coulter

How important is Election 2004? decided to ask right-wing author, pundit, and glamour queen Ann Coulter. And Ann says: “Insofar as the survival of the Republic is threatened by the election of John Kerry, I’d say 2004 is as big as it gets.”

Survival of the Republic?

Coulter says the closest parallel from American history to this year’s race is “1864. Bush is Lincoln and Kerry is General McClellan — who, I note, was a great military leader.”

“What would a Kerry administration mean?” asks

“Quite possibly the destruction of the Republic,” responds Ann.

Ann is asked what five books she’d recommend to become an informed voter. She lists The Bible, followed by four others, all written by, why, by Ann Coulter!


At 6:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coulter is a wanker! I agree that Bush & Lincoln are strikingly similar but not in a complimentary way. The REAL Lincoln abused his powers, ignored Congress, effectively suspended habeus corpus and imprisoned (illegally) thousands of his political opponents. Oh, and the War between the States was about REVENUE and Tarifs, not liberating the slaves. Sounds familiar? The danger to the Republic is BUSH. So-called Republican historians are nothing but REVISIONISTS, re-writers of History. If you care to find out more I recommend an excellent site; Go to search and enter Lincoln. There is a whole world of Pain for head in the sand pseudo-intel"lack"tuals (sic) like Coulter. Regards Greg Fisher, Sydney, Australia.

At 4:05 PM, Blogger Wally Conger said...

Anybody still living under the delusion that Lincoln was one of the "great presidents" should grab hold of a copy of Tom DiLorenzo's eye-opening THE REAL LINCOLN and read it thoroughly. This "great president" is hung by his own words -- not to mention his actions.


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