Saturday, July 08, 2006

"What a fine, strange trip it's been..."

I got a nifty new MP3 player for my birthday this week. And the first thing I loaded on it is what’s so far available of the podcast novel The Imaginary Bomb, written by B.W. Richardson and narrated by my old chum Warren Bluhm. That it’s a terrific, highly entertaining, retro sci-fi story should be recommendation enough. But Warren’s performance and production makes it a real “keeper.” I’ve had a smile on my face during every minute I’ve listened (and I’m on my second go-through).

Knowing Warren for as long as I have, I suspect there’s as much Bluhm to The Imaginary Bomb as there is Richardson. Brian may have written the darn thing, but Warren’s put his own unique stamp on it. The guys are finishing up the podcast over the next few days, so go to the link, start downloading, and catch up, fer cryin’ out loud. You’ll have a blast. No kidding.

[Illustration is by 2006 Hugo nominee Teddy Harvia.]


At 9:28 PM, Blogger B.W. Richardson said...

Shucks, folks, I'm speechless. You're right about that Bluhm fella adding a dimension, and we appreciate the support more than you can know.


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