Monday, November 29, 2004

If it quacks like a duck...?

In this morning's Wall Street Journal, Pete DuPont reflects on Election 2004:
"What was determinative is that the two political parties view the American people very differently. The Republican Party has become the party of individualism, believing that free enterprise, market economies, and individual choices give people the best chance of a good life; that if ordinary Americans are left alone to make their own decisions, they will generally be good decisions, so they -- not the government -- should have the power to make them."
What Republican Party is DuPont talking about? Have I been caught napping? The Republican Party that I've observed has grown the State tremendously over the past four years, and restrictive, tax-eating, government social programs have increased steadily under the Bush administration. It's said that if it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, then it's a duck. Well, this Republican duck quacks one way and walks quite another.

Buying into DuPont's nonsense is like believing that, well, Hillary's gone conservative!

(Thanks to Steven Horwitz for alerting me to the DuPont article via History News Network's "Liberty & Power" blog.)


At 3:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have long held that the Republican Party is for people who want a Big Strong Daddy who will protect us from the Nasty Bad Guys, and discipline us properly so we don't go soft. And the Democrat Party is for people who want a Big Loving Mommy who will feed and clothe us and make the boo-boos go away.

I used to think I wanted a party for grown-ups who don't NEED parents anymore. But then I figured out that grown-ups don't play childish games such as electoral politics.

--Scott Bieser

At 8:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Republicans are conservatives and prefer things done the hard way. With regards to policies, they have concentrated on foreign policy and some defense improvement. Less priority is given to social needs drawing the ire of poor people. However, I still think that they are better than the Democrats.


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