Shut up and drink your latte

On his blog this morning, Gene Healy mentions the one pet peeve I do have about Starbucks right now -- those damn "The Way I See It" comments that grace the side of each and every cup:
"I don't know why people complain about secondhand smoke (actually, I do: because they're wankers) when secondhand political opinions are far more annoying and damaging to my fragile serenity. Just when I discover a Starbucks drink I actually like (grande Cafe Americano with an extra shot), I discover that it's been given to me in a cup with a pious little harangue from Julian Bond, head of the NAACP."This reminds me of something I heard years ago that I also fully agree with:
"If I don't care to hear your opinions, what makes you think I wanna hear anything from your t-shirt?"
Or your coffee cup?
Hello looks interesting. Wake me when the Linux version comes out.
My one pet peeve with Starbucks is that I don't like their coffee products. I like the atmosphere and furniture, they have some tasty pastries (and I hear they are starting to do sandiwches), they have a great channel on XM Radio and carry interesting CDs, coffee- and tea-related gadgets, and other merchandise. But I've yet to find a coffee drink there that I actually enjoy drinking.
I seem to be running across Starbucks a lot lately. I just recently read this article,, about Starbucks and LMFAO. Maybe you'll enjoy it, too.
I don't much care for their coffee either, but will down a latte when necessity dictates. What I don't like about 'em is that they covered up their mermaid's breasts way back when -- I don't think they'd gotten adequate attention for the usual suspects' protestations.
The chain store coffee is uniformly overroasted. To taste heaven, roast yer own. Central American coffees seem to be the best for my tastebuds.
I classify the "hip" coffee chains as cheap chic. You are paying for the image, not the product ( which is high priced junk).
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