Zack Lawrence over at
/film offers his
Top 10 Superhero Movies, and I love his list, because it’s a real oddball. Sure, there are a few obvious ones on there, but holy crap,
Clash of the Titans and the freakin’ Dolph Lundgren
Punisher? Whew. And hey, I just gotta respect any list that’s got
Daredevil on it; I'm probably one of a dozen people who adore both the theatrical
and director’s cut versions of that movie. And
Unbreakable? Yeah, baby! Here’s Zack’s list, from bottom to top:
10. Superman: The Movie and Superman Returns (a twofer)
9. Unbreakable
8. Hellboy
7. Punisher (the one with Lundgren, not Thomas Jane)
6. Clash of the Titans
5. Batman Begins
4. Daredevil
3. The Matrix
2. Spider-Man 2
1. X-Men 2
Labels: comics, movies
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