DVD review: SHOOT 'EM UP

Now, don’t get me wrong. This is not a classic noir film. Nor is it a spoof of classic noir. But it takes your typical guns-blazing chase picture and shoves it over the top to a degree that’ll delight action fans.
Anyway, the DVD has some nice bonuses: an interesting full-length commentary from Michael Davis, an hour-long “making of” documentary, some deleted and extended scenes (with commentary), and the amazing “animatics” that Davis used to pitch the movie to producers and even to star Clive Owen to get it made. Oh, and Shoot ’Em Up also stars Paul Giamatti as last year’s greatest movie villain and the delicious Monica Belucci as the classiest lactating hooker ever. So what’s stopping you from buying or at least renting this thing?
I loved the story but maybe they shoul've made the action scenes a little more believable.... But I guess thats just the essence of the movie... LOL
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