Karl Hess: the Left-Right spectrum

“My own notion of politics is that it follows a straight line rather than a circle. The straight line stretches from the far right where (historically) we find monarchy, absolute dictatorships, and other forms of absolutely authoritarian rule. On the far right, law and order means the law of the ruler and the order that serves the interest of that ruler, usually the orderliness of drone workers, submissive students, elders either totally cowed into loyalty or totally indoctrinated and trained into that loyalty. Both Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler operated right-wing regimes, politically, despite the trappings of socialism with which both adorned their regimes. Huey Long, when governor-boss of
An American President could be said to move toward the right to the extent that he tended to make absolutely unilateral political decisions, with no reference to Congress, for instance, or to the people generally, and when the legitimacy of the regime was supported or made real more by sheer force, say of police power, than by voluntary allegiance from the people generally. Such a regime, also, would be likely to suppress or to swallow up potentially competing centers of power such as trade unions. Major financial interests, however, if Adolf Hitler’s relations with industry, for example, can be considered instructive, would be bought off, rather than fought off, with fat contracts and a continuing opportunity to enrich their owners. Joseph Stalin, of course, had no problem with anything such as independent trade unions or business, since both had been killed off earlier.
“The overall characteristic of a right-wing regime, no matter the details of difference between this one and that one, is that it reflects the concentration of power in the fewest practical hands.
“Power, concentrated in few hands, is the dominant historic characteristic of what most people, in most times, have considered the political and economic right wing.
“The far left, as far as you can get away from the right, would logically represent the opposite tendency and, in fact, has done just that throughout history. The left has been the side of politics and economics that opposes the concentration of power and wealth and, instead, advocates and works toward the distribution of power into the maximum number of hands.
“Just as the scale along this line would show gradations of the right, so would it show gradations of the left.
“Before getting to a far-right monarchy or dictatorship, there are many intermediate right-wing positions. Some are called conservative.
“Somewhere along the line, for instance, a certain concentration of power, particularly economic power, would be acceptable in the name of tradition. The children of the rich, characteristically, are accorded very special places in the regimes of the right, or of conservatives. Also, there is a great deference to stability and a preference for it rather than change — all other things being equal. Caution might be the watchword toward the center of this right-wing scale, simply a go-slow attitude. That is, admittedly, a long way from the far right and dictatorship, but it is a way that can and should be measured on a straight line. The natural preference for law and order that seems such a worthwhile and innocent conservative preference is from a political tradition that came to us from kings and emperors, not from ancient democracy.
“This hardly means that every conservative, if pressed, will go farther and farther right until embracing absolute dictatorship or monarchy. Far from it. It does mean to suggest only that the ghosts of royal power whisper in the conservative tradition.
“The left shows similar gradations. The farthest left you can go, historically at any rate, is anarchism — the total opposition to any institutionalized power, a state of completely voluntary social organization in which people would establish their ways of life in small, consenting groups, and cooperate with others as they see fit.
“The attitude on that farthest left toward law and order was summed up by an early French anarchist, Proudhon, who said that ‘order is the daughter of and not the mother of liberty.’ Let people be absolutely free, says this farthest of the far, far left (the left that Communism regularly denounces as too left; Lenin called it ‘infantile left’). If they are free they will be decent, but they never can be decent until they are free. Concentrated power, bureaucracy, et cetera, will doom that decency. A bit further along the left line there might be some agreement or at least sympathy with this left libertarianism but, it would be said, there are practical and immediate reasons for putting off that sort of liberty. People just aren’t quite ready for it. Roughly, that’s the position of the Communist Party today...
“At any rate, at some point on the spectrum there is the great modern American liberal position. Through a series of unfortunate but certainly understandable distortions of political terminology, the liberal position has come to be known as a left-wing position. Actually, it lies right alongside the conservative tradition, down toward the middle of the line, but decidedly, I think, to the right of its center. Liberals believe in concentrated power — in the hands of liberals, the supposedly educated and genteel elite. They believe in concentrating that power as heavily and effectively as possible. They believe in great size of enterprise, whether corporate or political, and have a great and profound disdain for the homely and the local. They think nationally but they also think globally and now even intergalactically. Actually, because they believe in far more authoritarian rule than a lot of conservatives, it probably would be best to say that liberals lie next to but actually to the right of many conservatives.”
Technorati Tags: New Libertarian, Movement of the Libertarian Left
Thanks for the long comment, Bob, but I prefer the Hess scale. Hess's also seems to me to be more historically accurate and consistent.
how can there be two types of anarchy? Ethical anarchy. . . human nature doesn't allow it.
Thanks. Very helpful. The circle is still a helpful model, like the Bohr atomic model.
I didn't agree with recent main-stream conclustion that the 2006 mid-term election reflected a shift toward the center. Granted there's some truth to that, I felt it missed the quantum leaps.
My Analysis
Maybe if I took more time I could explain it using the linear political spectrum. Maybe you can cut to the chase and explain it in a comment to my essay.
Great Analysis of the line model being correct, and the circle model being wrong. Great Analysis of all totalitarian regimes and loss of freedoms being on one end and anarchy and chaotic freedom being being on the other end. I know in the french parliment the pro-monarchists (prohibitors of liberty) sat on the right and the anti-monarchists (promoters of liberty) sat on the left. But your line theory directions are from the past. The line has reversed in modern times with the extreme liberty of anarchism now on the right and extremme totalitarian slavery on the left. This is because those on the new left seek the state to solve the worlds problems and the new far right of today wants no government at all.
p.s. The left from the 60's kept their left moniker, but shifted their positions from anti-state control to 'the state is the answer'. So, the people from that time, who stayed anti-state who would have been on the left in the old since of the term, adopted the name 'the right', because the old left kept their 'left' name.
I may be wrong, but I believe that the Iroquois (Haudenosaunee) were an entirely separate people from the Algonquians. Even spoke a different language.
Hess was born in Washington, D.C. and moved to the Philippines as a child. When his mother discovered his father's marital infidelity, she divorced her wealthy husband and returned (with Karl) to Washington. She refused alimony or child support and took a job as a telephone operator, raising her son in very modest circumstances. Karl, believing (as his mother did) that public education was a waste of time, rarely attended school; to evade truancy officers, he registered at every elementary school in town and gradually withdrew from each one, making it impossible for the authorities to know exactly where he was supposed to be.
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He officially dropped out at 15 and went to work for the Mutual Broadcasting System as a newswriter at the invitation of Walter Compton, a Mutual news commentator who resided in the building where Mrs. Hess operated the switchboard. Hess continued to work in the news media, and by age 18 was assistant city editor of the Washington Daily News. He was later an editor for Newsweek (from which he was fired for refusing to write President Franklin D. Roosevelt's obituary) and The Fisherman. After that, he worked for the Champion Papers and Fibre Company, where his bosses encouraged him to get involved in conservative politics for the company's benefit. In doing so he met Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater and many other prominent Republicans, thus beginning the GOP epoch of his life.
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It's been politics that leaded us to 2 world wars, and the source of the world's unffairness.
Since there is confusion about whether the right or left is the libertarian or authoritarian end, perhaps we should use a vertical spectrum instead of a horizontal one, with the more statist, totalitarian regimes at the top, and the more anarchistic, liberatrian systems at the bottom. Of course this needs to indicate the concentration of both political AND economic power.
I'm not so sure I agree that a dictator could be so close to a communist. I believe that totalitarian dictatorships use the guise of socialism, communism to blind the public from what it actually is.
True socialism and communism would be as far from the right as possible. I don't necessarily see the straight line approach as a possible understanding of politics.
Karl Hess was one of the most talented people I can think off. Smart speeches including a lot of honesty.
he left has been the side of politics and economics that opposes the concentration of power and wealth and, instead, advocates and works toward the distribution of power
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Hello, i think that this post is very good, i would like to read more about it He officially dropped out at 15 and went to work for the Mutual Broadcasting System as a newswriter at the invitation of Walter Compton, a Mutual news commentator who resided in the building where Mrs. Hess operated the switchboard. Hess continued to work in the news media, and by age 18 was assistant city editor of the Washington Daily News. He was later an editor for Newsweek (from which he was fired for refusing to write President Franklin D. Roosevelt's obituary) and The Fisherman. After that, he worked for the Champion Papers and Fibre Company, where his bosses encouraged him to get involved in conservative politics for the company's benefit.
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