Hillary: throwing off too many pheromones

Sharon Stone, whose Basic Instinct 2 is getting annihilated at the box office, had this to say recently about a 2008 Hillary bid for the White House (from the March/April Hollywood Life; sorry, no link)...
“I think Hillary’s fantastic. But I think it’s too soon for Hillary to run. This may sound odd, but a woman should be past her sexuality when she runs. She still has sexual power, and I don’t think people will accept that. It’s too threatening.”
Gee, that's just what I was thinking!
Hillary? Sexual? Aaaargh! Ya know, I never blamed Bill for cheating on her...for lying about it, yeah but not for cheating. Gaaa! Those are two words that should never be together. Excuse me, now...I need to go wash my brain out.
Yeah, bring on Madeleine Albright and Janet Reno!
Butler Shaffer
Ms. Stone suffers from delusions of intelligence, a Hollywood pandemic.
Geez, gentlemen, I rarely get queasy, and my stomach can't handle all this grossness.
I'll be waiting behind Michael to wash my brain out now ...
Sex? with Hillary? ghods what horror! You know, there really ought to be a law....
You know, if you combine Stone's rapidly-fading blonde looks with Hillary's legendary vicious temper and power lust, you get.... Ann Coulter!
Hope I can see the link so that I know what I want to say about this.
human pheromones
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