AK Press does a great job keeping much classic Left-collectivist anarchist literature in print. Now they’ve released two 1980 documentaries by Steven Fishler and Joel Sucher (“Anarchism in
America” and “The Free Voice of Labor”) on a single DVD broadly titled
Anarchism in America. Both movies are worth your attention, particularly if you’re interested in some of the roots of U.S. anti-statism, but the film after which this DVD is named is especially interesting for Libertarian Leftists. It features a nice segment about our “granddaddy,” the late Karl Hess, and speaks briefly of Murray Rothbard, whom he credits for his conversion from conservative Republican to anarchist radical. Karl is also shown alongside Left anarchist Murray Bookchin at a libertarian conference.
It’s nice to have these two films available. But they are 26 years old. Somebody should really pull together a new documentary about the American anarchist movements, both Left and Right, yesterday and today.
Consumer warning: Advertisements claim that Ursula K. LeGuin, author of the anarchist sci-fi classic The Dispossessed, appears on Anarchism in America. She does not.
I'm especially intrigued to see the segment with Karl Hess. Thanks for the post Wally.
Hi Wally,
I'm the producer of ANARCHISM IN AMERICA.
Did appreciate the review... but, in fact, Ursula does appear (during the Portland Anarchist Symposium in the beginning of the film).
And, yes, we are in the process of updating the film (in a slightly different format). Info available at www.pacificstreetfilms.com
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